  1. J. Širáň, P. Horák, Note on a new coloring number of a graph, J.Graph Theory 4 (1980), 111-113.
  2. J. Širáň, On graphs containing many subgraphs with the same number of edges, Math. Slovaca 30 (1980), 267-268.
  3. P. Horák, J. Širáň, On a modified concept of thickness of a graph, Math. Nachrichten 108 (1982), 305-306.
  4. J. Širáň, Reconstruction of graphs with special degree sequences, Math. Slovaca 32 (1982), 403-404.
  5. J. Širáň, An enumeration theorem for rooted graphs, Math. Slovaca 33 (1983), 29-34.
  6. J. Širáň, Edges and Kuratowski subgraphs of non-planar graphs, Math. Nachrichten 113 (1983), 187-190.
  7. J. Širáň, Crossing-critical edges and Kuratowski subgraphs of a graph, J. Combinat. Theory (B) 35 (1983), 83-92.
  8. J. Širáň, The crossing function of a graph, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 53 (1983), 131-133.
  9. J. Širáň, Solution of four problems of Eger, Part II, in: "Graphs and other combinatorial topics" (Teubner Texte zur Mathematik 59), Teubner (1983), 267-268.
  10. J. Širáň, Infinite families of crossing-critical graphs with a given crossing number, Discrete Math. 48 (1984), 129-132.
  11. J. Širáň, On a problem of P.Erdös, Math. Slovaca 34 (1984), 337-340.
  12. J. Širáň, A new lower bound for the inducibility of a graph, Math. Slovaca 34 (1984), 365-370.
  13. J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, Quotients of connected regular graphs of even degree, J. Combinat. Theory (B) 38 (1985), 214-225.
  14. J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, Relative embeddings of graphs, in: "Proc. 6th Yugoslav Seminar on Graph Theory", Dubrovnik (1985), 211-217.
  15. P. Horák, J. Širáň, On a construction of Thomassen, Graphs and Combinatorics 2 (1986), 347-350.
  16. J. Širáň, P. Horák, A construction of thickness-minimal graphs, Discrete Math. 64 (1987), 263-268.
  17. M. Škoviera, J. Širáň, Oriented relative embeddings of graphs, Applicationes Math. XIX (1987), 589-597.
  18. J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, Relative embeddings of graphs on closed surfaces, Math. Nachrichten 136 (1988), 275-284.
  19. Ľ. Niepel, J. Širáň, A refinement of Halin's end-faithful spanning tree theorem, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 5 (1989), 85-88.
  20. P. Horák, J. Širáň, Solution of two problems of P.Erdös concerning hamiltonian cycles, Discrete Math. 84 (1990), 23-29.
  21. J. Širáň, R. Bodendiek, Planarity - an introductory survey, in: "Graphentheorie II" (Wagner and Bodendiek, Eds.), BI-Wissenschaftsverlag Mannheim - Wien - Z urich (1990), 99-171.
  22. J. Širáň, Genus-minimal edges and Kuratowski subgraphs of a graph, in: "Topics in Combinatorics and Graph Theory" (Bodendiek and Henn, Eds.), Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg (1990), 585-594.
  23. R. Bodendiek, P. Gvozdjak, J. Širáň, Minimal graphs for 2-amalgamations of spheres, in: "Contemporary Methods in Graph Theory" (R. Bodendiek, Ed.), BI-Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim-Zürich-Wien (1990), 8-25.
  24. J. Širáň, Characterization of signed graphs which are cellularly embeddable in no more than one surface, Discrete Math. 94 (1991), 39-44.
  25. J. Širáň, Duke's theorem does not extend to signed graph embeddings, Discrete Math. 94 (1991), 233-238.
  26. J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, Characterization of the maximum genus of a signed graph, J. Combinat. Theory (B) 52 (1991), 124-146.
  27. J. Širáň, End-faithful forests and spanning trees in infinite graphs, Discrete Math. 95 (1991), 331-340.
  28. J. Širáň, P. Gvozdjak, Kuratowski-type theorems do not extend to pseudosurfaces, J. Combinat. Theory (B) 54 (1992), 209-212.
  29. D. Archdeacon, J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, Regular maps from medial graphs, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae LX (1992), 57-64.
  30. J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, Regular maps from Cayley graphs, Part 1: Balanced Cayley maps, Discrete Math. 109 (1992), 265-276.
  31. M. Škoviera, J. Širáň, Groups with sign structure and their antiautomorphisms, Discrete Math. 108 (1992), 189-202.
  32. J. Širáň, Zs. Tuza, Nearly uniform distribution of edges in k-subgraphs of a graph, J. Graph Theory 16 (1992), 591-604.
  33. P. Gvozdjak, J. Širáň, Regular maps from voltage assignments, in: "Graph Structure Theory" (Contemporary Mathematics, AMS Series) 147 (1993), 441-454.
  34. G. Hahn, J. Širáň, Three remarks on end-faithfulness, in: "Finite and Infinite Combinatorics in Sets and Logic" (N. Sauer et al., Eds.), Kluwer (1993), 125-133.
  35. H. Fleischner, P. Horák, J. Širáň, Generating hamiltonian cycles in complete graphs, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae 62 (1993) No. 2, 155-159.
  36. J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, Orientable and nonorientable maps with given automorphism groups, Australas J. Combinatorics 7 (1993), 47-53.
  37. J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, Regular maps from Cayley graphs, Part 2: Antibalanced Cayley maps, Discrete Math. 124 (1994), 179-191.
  38. B. Richter, P. Seymour, J. Širáň, Circular embeddings of planar graphs in non-spherical surfaces, Discrete Math. 126 (1994), 273-280.
  39. D. Archdeacon, B. Richter, J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, Branched coverings of maps and lifts of map homomorphisms, Australas. J. Combinatorics 9 (1994), 109-121.
  40. P. Gvozdjak, J. Širáň, Arc-transitive non-Cayley graphs from regular maps, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae LXIII (1994), 309-313.
  41. J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, H.-J. Voss, Sachs triangulations and regular maps, Discrete Math. 134 (1994), 161-175.
  42. Ch. J. Colbourn, E. Mendelsohn, A. Rosa, J. Širáň, Anti-mitre Steiner triple systems, Graphs and Combinatorics 10 (1994), 215-224.
  43. E. Bertram, P. Erdös, P. Horák, J. Širáň, Zs. Tuza, Local and global average degree in graphs and multigraphs, J. Graph Theory 18 (1994) No. 7, 647-661.
  44. R. Jajcay, J. Širáň, A construction of vertex-transitive non-Cayley graphs, Australasian J. Combinatorics 10 (1994), 105-114.
  45. A. Rosa, J. Širáň, Bipartite labellings of trees and the gracesize, J. Graph Theory 19 (1995) No. 2, 201-215.
  46. G. Hahn, J. Širáň, A note on intersecting cliques in Cayley graphs, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Computing 18 (1995), 57-63.
  47. B. Richter, J. Širáň, The crossing number of $K_{3,n}$ in a surface, J. Graph Theory 21 (1996) No. 1, 51-54.
  48. L. Branković, M. Miller, J. Širáň, Towards a practical auditing method for the prevention of statistical database compromise, Australian Comp. Sci. Commun. 18 (1996) No. 2, 177-184.
  49. R. Brunet, B. Richter, J. Širáň, Covering genus-reducing edges by Kuratowski subgraphs, J. Graph Theory 22 (1996) No. 1, 39-45.
  50. D. Fronček, A. Rosa, J. Širáň, The existence of selfcomplementary circulant graphs, European J. Combinatorics 17 (1996), 625-628.
  51. N. Sauer, J. Širáň, The chromatic number of the union of two forests, Ars Combinatoria 42 (1996), 161-174.
  52. R. Jajcay, J. Širáň, More constructions of vertex-transitive non-Cayley graphs, based on counting closed walks, Australasian J. Combin. 14 (1996), 121-132.
  53. P. Horák, W. Wallis, J. Širáň, Decomposing cubes, J. Australian Math. Soc. (A) 61 (1996) 1, 119-128.
  54. D. Archdeacon, C.P. Bonnington, J. Pearson, J. Širáň, The Hadwiger number for the product of two cycles, in: ``Combinatorics, Complexity and Logic'' (Bridges et al., Eds.), Springer, Singapore (1996), 113-120.
  55. L. Branković, M. Miller, J. Širáň, Graphs, 0-1 matrices, and usability of statistical databases, Congressus Numerantium 120 (1996), 169-182.
  56. M. Knor, J. Širáň, Extremal graphs of diameter two and given maximum degree, embeddable in a fixed surface, J. Graph Theory 24 (1997) No. 1, 1-8.
  57. D. Archdeacon, P. Gvozdjak, J. Širáň, Constructing and forbidding automorphisms in lifted maps, Mathematica Slovaca 47 (1997) No. 2, 113-129.
  58. E. T. Baskoro, L. Branković, M. Miller, J. Ryan, J. Plesník, J. Širáň, Large digraphs with small diameter: A voltage assignment approach, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Computing 24 (1997), 161-176.
  59. G. Hahn, F. Laviolette, J. Širáň, Edge-ends of infinite graphs, J. Combin. Theory (B) 70 (1997) No. 2, 225-244.
  60. P. Horák, A. Rosa, J. Širáň, Maximal orthogonal latin rectangles, Ars Combinatoria 47 (1997), 129-145.
  61. E.T. Baskoro, M. Miller, J. Širáň, A remark on almost Moore digraphs of degree three, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae LXVI (1997) No. 2, 285-291.
  62. D. Archdeacon, J. Širáň, Characterizing planarity using theta-graphs, J. Graph Theory 27 (1998) No. 1, 17-20.
  63. L. Branković, M. Miller, J. Plesník, J. Ryan, J. Širáň, A note on constructing large Cayley graphs of given degree and diameter by voltage assignments, Electronic J. Combin. 5 (1998) No. 1, article R9.
  64. D. Archdeacon, P. Bonnington, J. Širáň, A Nebeský-type characterization for relative maximum genus, J. Combinat. Theory (B) 73 (1998), 77-98.
  65. M.J. Grannell, T.S. Griggs, J. Širáň, Surface embeddings of Steiner triple systems, J. Combin. Designs 6 (1998) No. 5, 325-336.
  66. L. Branković, M. Miller, J. Plesník, J. Ryan, J. Širáň, Large graphs with small degree and diameter: A voltage assignment approach, Australas. J. Combin. 18 (1998), 65-76.
  67. M.J. Grannel, T.S. Griggs, J. Širáň, Face-2-colourable triangular embeddings of complete graphs, J. Combin. Theory (B) 74 (1998) No. 1, 8-19.
  68. B. D. McKay, M. Miller, J. Širáň, A note on large graphs of diameter two and given maximum degree, J. Combinat. Theory (B) 74 (1998) No. 1, 110-118.
  69. C. P. Bonnington, J. Širáň, Bipartite labellings of trees with maximum degree three, J. Graph Theory 31 (1999) 7-15.
  70. A. Gardiner, R. Nedela, J. Širáň, M. Škoviera, Characterization of graphs which underlie regular maps on closed surfaces, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 59 (1999) No. 1, 100-108.
  71. J. Širáň, Planar Graphs - an Introduction, in: P.Hitzler and G.Kalmbach (Eds.), "Begabtenf im MINT-Bereich" (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik); Aegis Verlag, 1999, pp. 211-226.
  72. J. Širáň, The "walk calculus" of regular lifts of graph and map automorphisms, Yokohama Math. Journal 47 (1999), 113-128.
  73. C. P. Bonnington, M. J. Grannell, T. S. Griggs, J. Širáň, Exponential families of non-isomorphic triangulations of complete graphs, J. Combinat. Theory (B) 78 (2000) No. 2, 169-184.
  74. D. Fronček, J. Širáň, Halving complete fourpartite graphs, Ars Combinatoria 55 (2000) 43-63.
  75. M. Miller, J. Gimbert, J. Širáň, Slamin, Almost Moore digraphs are diregular, Discrete Math. 218 (2000), 265-270.
  76. J. Širáň, Algebraic methods in the degree/diameter problem, Proc. 10th Indonesian Math. Conference, Journal of Indonesian Mathematical Society 6 (2000) No. 5, 151-158.
  77. M. Miller, J. Širáň, Digraphs of degree two which miss the Moore bound by two, Discrete Math. 226 (2001), 269-280.
  78. J. Širáň, Security of statistical databases, Proc. 5th World SCI and IIIS Multiconference, Vol XIV, (2001) Part II, 519-524.
  79. J. Širáň, Triangle group representations and their applications to graphs and maps, Discrete Math. 209 (2001) 341-358.
  80. J. Širáň, Triangle group representations and constructions of regular maps, Proc. London Math. Soc. 82 (2001) No. 3, 513-532.
  81. J. Širáň, T. Tucker, M. Watkins, Realizing finite edge-transitive orientable maps, J. Graph Theory 37 (2001) 1, 1-34.
  82. J. Širáň, Lifts of graphs and maps, orthogonality, and eigenvectors, J. Algebraic Combinatorics 14 (2001) 1, 57-72.
  83. D. Archdeacon, C. P. Bonnington, J. Širáň, Trading crossings for handles or crosscaps, J. Graph Theory 38 (2001) 4, 230-243.
  84. S. Shim, J. Širáň, J. Zerovnik, Counterexamples to the uniform shortest path routing conjecture for vertex-transitive graphs, Discrete Applied Math. 119 (2002) No. 3, 283-288.
  85. M.J. Grannel, T.S. Griggs, J. Širáň, Recursive constructions for triangulations, J. Graph Theory 39 (2002) 2, 87-107.
  86. R. Jajcay, J. Širáň, Skew-morphisms of regular Cayley maps, Discrete Math. 244 (2002) No. 1-3, 167-179.
  87. J. Kratochvíl, G. Hahn, D. Sotteau, J. Širáň, On the injective chromatic number of graphs, Discrete Math. 256 (2002) No. 1-2, 179-192.
  88. D. Archdeacon, P. Bonnington, B. Richter, J. Širáň, Sewing ribbons on graphs in space, J. Combinat. Theory Ser. B 86 (2002) 1, 1-26.
  89. D. Archdeacon, D. Fronček, R. Jajcay, Z. Ryjáček, J. Širáň, Regular clique covers of graphs, Australasian J. Combin. 27 (2003) 1, 307-316.
  90. R. Aldred, J. Širáň, M. Širáň, A note on the number of graceful labellings of paths, Discrete Math. 261 (2003) 27-30.
  91. E. T. Baskoro, M. Miller, M. Sutton, J. Širáň, A complete characterisation of almost Moore digraphs of degree three, to appear in J. Graph Theory.
  92. A. Nakamoto, S. Negami, K. Ota, J. Širáň, Planar triangulations which quadrangulate other surfaces, to appear in J. Combinat. Theory Ser. B.
  93. M.J. Grannel, T.S. Griggs, V. Korzhik, J. Širáň, On the minimal nonzero distance between triangular embeddings of a complete graph, to appear in Discrete Math.
  94. L Branković, M. Miller, J. Širáň, A covering problem with application in database security, submitted.
  95. B. Richter, J. Širáň, R. Jajcay, M. Watkins, T. Tucker, Cayley maps, submitted.
  96. L. Stacho, J. Širáň, S. Zhou, Arc-congestion and wavelength routing problems for Hamilton decomposable networks, submitted.
  97. M.J. Grannel, T.S. Griggs, J. Širáň, Maximum genus embeddings of Steiner triple systems, submitted.
  98. C.H. Li, J. Širáň, Moebius regular maps, submitted.
  99. C.H. Li, J. Širáň, Regular maps whose groups do not act faithfully on edges, vertices, or faces, submitted.
  100. M. Miller, J. Širáň, Moore graphs and beyond - a survey, submitted.
  101. L. Brankovic, A. Rosa, J. Širáň, Labellings of trees with maximum degree three - an improved bound, submitted.
  102. C.P. Bonnington, N. Hartsfield, J. Širáň, Obstructions to directed embeddings of Eulerian digraphs in the plane, submitted.
  103. D. Archdeacon, C.P. Bonnington, J. Širáň, Halin's theorem for cubic graphs on an annulus , submitted.
  104. A. Breda d'Azevedo, R. Nedela, J. Širáň, Classification of regular maps of negative prime Euler characteristic, submitted.
  105. D. Archdeacon, C.P. Bonnington, J. Širáň, Pinched regular maps, in preparation.